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EuroMIC COST action CA20130 and Association of Czech and Slovak Corrosion Engineers
Corrosion management for the sustainability of assets in aqueous environments
(with a special focus on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC))
Prague, Czech Republic
22-25 Aug 2023
Corrosion, directly and indirectly, impacts all societal infrastructures, including transportation facilities, offshore and onshore energy grids, sewage systems, drinking water systems, renewable fuel generation and storage, and maritime vessels and structures. Infrastructure plays an irreplaceable role in our society and yet is faced with increasingly greater challenges in terms of increased utilization and the drive for sustainability and reduced ecological impact. However, with the increased global temperatures and resulting environmental changes, understanding and managing the role of materials degradation and material selection in our industries, environment, and society, becomes an even more urgent topic for the next generation of corrosion experts and industry professionals. Further, lessons learned from managing corrosion in existing infrastructure must be translated and applied to renewable energy assets to promote materials sustainability and reduce waste.
This training course is an excellent opportunity for graduate students and post-docs to further specialized training and network with other colleagues. It directly precedes the EUROCORR 2023 in Brussels, which gives an excellent possibility to attend both events!
Venue: University of Chemistry and Technology, building A (rooms will be specified later)
Address: Technická 5, Prague, Czech Republic
Learning objectives:
- Understand various corrosion mechanisms - with particular emphasis on MIC.
- Understand and apply the multiple lines of evidence (MLOE) approach for diagnosing MIC.
- Be able to apply the latest Industry Guidelines and Standards on Corrosion Management and MIC of Engineered Systems
- Be able to apply Corrosion Management principles to assessing, mitigating and monitoring the corrosion threat of MIC
- Understand, and correctly apply and interpret, state-of-the-art MIC diagnostic methods
- Understand sampling strategies and procedures for various sample types obtained in Engineered Systems
- Be familiar with the chemical, metallurgical and microbiological test methods used for corrosion investigation and MIC laboratory experiments
- Be able to plan and execute a failure analysis investigation to differentiate between MIC and abiotic corrosion mechanisms as the immediate cause.
- Be familiar with corrosion and MIC mitigation methods and how they are implemented and monitored in different industries.
Who should attend
Young researchers, students and industry professionals interested in corrosion and material degradation in aqueous systems, including MIC. Individuals with responsibility for developing, implementing and executing corrosion management activities, including corrosion and materials engineers, microbiologists, production chemists, process engineers, integrity managers, laboratory technicians and field staff. Both asset operators, manufacturers, consultants, academics and students will benefit from the latest updates in this course.
Organization Committee:
Dr Jan Stoulil, Local Course Organizer
Dr Torben L Skovhus, Course Content Director
Dr Judit Knisz, WG1 Leader COST Action CA20130
And 6 teachers/experts from the COST Action Network
Preliminary programme:
can be downloaded here.
Fees of attendance:
- student or academic staff (250 EUR)
- industry professional (350 EUR)
Financial support
The Association of Czech and Slovak Corrosion Engineers will provide 5 fellowships (100 EUR each). If you have a problem covering your travelling costs, you can apply for this financial support. You can email the subject “MIC Summer School Fellowship” to this email (info@aki-koroze.cz) address till 31 May 2023. You should describe yourself (name, affiliation), your motivation to come to attend the summer school and the reason why you need this support (e.g. low support from your university/employer, long-distance travelling, etc.). 5 attendees will be chosen and notified till 30 Jun 2023 and they will receive this amount cash during registration.
Registration process:
If you are interested in participating, fill out this form and send it back as an email to info@aki-koroze.cz. You will receive the invoice for payment and you will be registered.
Deadline for registration: 30 June 2023.
Travelling and Accommodation Info
(here you can find advice for your stay – it will be continuously updated)
- Travelling
- Accommodation
- Leisure Time in Prague
1. Casual Dinner (Mon 21 Aug) – we will enjoy special Menu in restaurant Red Pif (www.redpif.cz) with unique combination of Czech and French cuisine.
2. Prague Castle tour (Wed 23 Aug) – we will have a special and unusual tour through the Prague Castle.
3. Excursion (Thu 24 Aug) – we will visit the pump storage hydro power plant in Štěchovice near Prague.
4. Czech Pub (Thu 24 Aug) – social evening in the Czech pub „Kozlovna U Paukerta“ (www.kozlovna.cz/u-paukerta) with tasty Czech beer and traditional Czech cuisine.