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doc. Ing. Luděk Joska, CSc.

Ludek Joska
E-mail: Ludek.Joska@vscht.cz
Tel.: +420220444204
Room: A56
Associate Professor
• 1970-1975: ICT Prague, M.Sc. in Inorganic Technology 
• 1975-1979: ICT Prague, post-graduate in Physical Metallurgy and Threshold States of Materials 
• 1975-1979: post-graduate, ICT Prague 
• 1979-1985: researcher, Sigma VÚ Praha
• 1985 – to date: IT Prague, Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering 
• corrosion resistance of metallic bio-materials 
• application of electrochemical methods to study corrosion processes 
• surface analysis
• Metallurgical and Corrosion Processes Theoretical Essentials 
• Biomaterials
 Biomaterials for Medical Use
• User programmes – restoration 
International Fellowships (1 month and more):
• 1994: USA- 14 universities
• 1995: SRN- Otto von Guericke Universität, Magdeburg 
• 1995, 1996, 2001:USA- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Membership in professional organizations and editorial boards:
• Chemistry and Technology of Materials Board of the ICT Prague for metallurgy 
• International Association for Dental Research, WG Dental Materials
• European Federation of Corrosion
• Corrosion and Protection of Materials, member of the editorial board 
Research projects (since 2005):
 Mechanism of the influence of dental materials corrosion products on the human immune system. IGA MZČR NR9124-3, 2005-2007
• The use of electrochemical noise for detection of non-uniform corrosion of implant materials.  SRN-CZ D7-Cz11/07-08, 2007-2008
• Development of the new highly biocompatible surface treatments for stomatological and dental implants.  MPO FI-IM5/020, 2008-2010
• Research focused on material and utility properties of the modern highly alloyed beta-titanium alloys and development of theirs powder metallurgical production. MPO 2A-2TP1/073, 2008-2011
• Stability of bioactive layered structures in model human body fluids., GAČR P108/10/1782, 2010-2013
• Biological interactions of dental materials corrosion products. IGA MZd, projekt 12206, 2011 - 2014
Surface nanostructuring of titanium materials. TAČR,  TA 020010409, 2012-2015
Notable Magazine Contributions (since 2005):
1. B. Smola, L. Joska, V. Březina, I. Stulíková, F. Hnilica, Microstructure, corrosion resistance and cytocompatibility of Mg–5Y–4Rare Earth–0.5Zr (WE54) alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 32 (2012) 659-664.
2. L. Joska, J. Fojt, O. Mestek, L. Cvrcek, V. Brezina, The effect of a DLC coating adhesion layer on the corrosion behavior of titanium and the Ti6Al4V alloy for dental implants, Surface and Coatings Technology, 206 (2012) 4899-4906.
3. L. Joska, J. Fojt, The effect of porosity on barrier properties of DLC layers for dental implants, Appl. Surf. Sci., (2012).
4. L. Franta, J. Fojt, L. Joska, J. Kronek, L. Cvrček, J. Vyskočil, Hinge-type knee prosthesis wear tests with a mechanical load and detailed corrosion properties monitoring, Tribology International, (2012).
5. J. Fojt, Ti-6Al-4V alloy surface modification for medical applications, Appl. Surf. Sci.,  (2012). In press
6. Venclíková Z., Benada O., Joska L. Monitoring of Selenium in Oral Cavity Argiria - a Clinical and  Microscopic Study. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2011;32(3):285-291 
7.  Joska L, Fojt J, Hradilova M, Hnilica F, Cvrcek L. Corrosion behaviour of TiN and ZrN in the environment  containing fluoride ions. Biomedical Materials. 2010;5(5):054108.
8. Joska L, Fojt J. Corrosion behaviour of titanium after short-term exposure to an acidic environment containing  fluoride ions. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2010;21:8.
9. Vojtěch D, Fojt J, Joska L, Novák P. Surface treatment of NiTi shape memory alloy and its influence on  corrosion behavior. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2010;204(23):3895-901.
10. Joska L, Venclikova Z, Poddana M, Benada O. The mechanism of gingiva metallic pigmentations formation.  Clinical Oral Investigations. 2009;13(1):1-7.
11. Joska L, Fojt J. Corrosion behaviour of titanium after short-term exposure to an acidic environment containing  fluoride ions. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2009;21(2):481-8.
12. Vojtech D, Novak P, Novak M, Joska L, Fabian T, Maixner J, et al. Cyclic and isothermal oxidations of nitinol  wire at moderate temperatures. Intermetallics. 2008;16(3):424-31.
13. Vojtech D, Joska L, Leitner J. Influence of a controlled oxidation at moderate temperatures on the surface  chemistry of nitinol wire. Appl Surf Sci. 2008;254(18):5664-9.
14. Joska L, Poddana M, Leitner J. Corrosion behavior of palladium-silver-copper alloys in model saliva. Dent  Mater. 2008;24(8):1009-16.
15. Venclikova Z, Benada O, Bartova J, Joska L, Mrklas L, Prochazkova J, et al. In vivo effects of dental casting  alloys. Neuroendocrinol Lett. 2006;27(Suppl. 1):61-8.
16.  Joska L., Marek M., Leitner J.: The mechanism of corrosion of palladium-silver binary alloys in artificial saliva.,  Biomaterials 26(14), 1605-11 (2005)
Updated: 2.9.2015 22:58, Author: Filip Průša

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